Day 30 Slice of Life Story Challenge: Sick Day

Ugh… our whole family is sick today.

We’re coughing, and throwing up, and bumbling around the house in our pajamas. My one year old son, Jackson, can’t stop crying. Indie, our dog, howls sadly along with him. The noise and the cold grey day outside pretty much sums up how we all feel. Ugh…

That’s about all I can muster for a slice today. Now, back to holding Jackson, and watching Daniel Tiger with my daughter, who is running a fever and lying on the couch.


5 thoughts on “Day 30 Slice of Life Story Challenge: Sick Day

  1. Would you be mine, could you be mine, won’t you be my neighbor?
    I can see you bumbling around your home in a fog. I can hear PBS going strong in the background.
    I hope you heal really quickly, all of you!


  2. Not that there is a bright side to being sick, but at least you will all get over it at the same time and it won’t string out for days or weeks. That is usually how it goes in our house! Hope everyone is on the mend soon and you can enjoy some of that snuggle time.


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