DAY 31 SOLSC: Last Slice

"What should I write my last story about, Lily?" Without hesitating, Lily replied, "A girl who finds a dragon--or did you write that one already?" "No," I answered, "not yet. Want to come in here in help me write it?" "Well," Lily said thoughtfully,  "I'm making a necklace right now, but if you're stuck I'd … Continue reading DAY 31 SOLSC: Last Slice

Day 30 SOLSC: March on Madonna Mountain

Looking from the top of the mountain, the sky was the color of easter eggs - blue and off in the distance, near Lake Champlain, the sunset was pastel pink and yellow. The pine trees were frosted with snow that had fallen in the past few days. The snow sparkled in the late afternoon sunshine. … Continue reading Day 30 SOLSC: March on Madonna Mountain