2018 SOLSC Day 9: I’m Okay


I’m Okay


When I hit my head last Sunday

It knocked my off my feet,

Knocked the wind right out of me.

Still reeling,

Still spinning,

Still on the ground,

I said,

“I’m okay.”

“I’m okay.”

“I’m okay.”


In that moment–

Flashes of a Florida hospital emergency room,

A nightmare I had when I was fourteen,

The cracked windshield of my father’s pickup truck.

“I’m okay.”

“I’m okay.”

“I’m okay.”





Join my colleagues and I at Two Writing Teachers for the March Slice of Life Story Challenge!

5 thoughts on “2018 SOLSC Day 9: I’m Okay

  1. Both poems offer a stark reminder of how memory works and the irony in our “I’m okay” when we’re hurt physically and emotionally.


  2. I find myself saying things like “I’m okay” or “I’m fine” too- regardless of the severity of the mental/physical pain. Self-talk? An effort to keep order in ourselves/ those around us? Interesting. Makes you think. Nice slice. Great connection.


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